Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki

Below is a list of every wave in the game in both Survival and Versus mode. Any strategies, notes, or important mentions will be included.

Wave Number Zombies in the wave Notes/Strategies 1 Player 2 Players 3 Players 4 Players Quote Before wave starts
Wave 0 None Split roles between farming and defense. Also account for the fact that Farms can be placed/upgraded in the 15 seconds before wave 1 to receive extra cash $650 $600 $550 $500
Wave 1 6-7 Normal New Zombie - The Normal is a very weak zombie with only 4 health. It can be good to sacrifice a few health during this wave to get more income. $230 $115 $80 $58
Wave 2 11-12 Normal $260 $130 $93 $65
Wave 3 7-8 Speedy New Zombie - The Speedy is a zombie with 3 health, currently being the weakest in the game. However, its speed makes up for it. $290 $145 $107 $73 A new enemy incoming!
Wave 4 6 Normal, 12 Speedy Speedy and Normal can now be sent in Versus. $320 $160 $107 $80
Wave 5 7-8 Slow New Zombie - The Slow is much slower than the zombies coming before it, but it is much stronger with 16 health. $350 $175 $117 $88 A new enemy incoming!
Wave 6 15 Normal, 5 Speedy Slows can now be sent. $380 $190 $127 $95
Wave 7 5 Normal, 5 Speedy, 8 Slow $410 $205 $137 $103
Wave 8 5 Normal, 6 Speedy, 5 Slow, 1 Boss1 Boss Wave - It is recommended to have high-damage towers. $440 $220 $147 $110 Get ready for a BOSS!
Wave 9 20 Slow Boss1 can now be sent on this wave in Versus mode. $470 $235 $157 $118
Wave 10 7-8 Hidden New Zombie - First Hidden appearance in the game. Hiddens are invisible to most towers and require suitable defenses. $500 $250 $167 $125 A new enemy incoming! (Have camoflauge defense)
Wave 11 8 Slow, 2 Boss1 $530 $265 $177 $151
Wave 12 10 Hidden Make sure to get defense against Camouflaged Enemies $560 $280 $187 $160 More Hiddens Coming!
Wave 13 10 Mystery New Zombie - The Mystery has 10 health but can spawn much stronger zombies than itself. Watch out if the 2 Boss1s from Wave 11 are still giving trouble when fast Mysteries now flood in. Hidden can now be sent on this wave in Versus mode

(Mysteries can spawn many Boss1s)

$590 $295 $197 $169 A new enemy incoming!
Wave 14 5 Slow, 2 Boss1, 8 Speedy, 1 Necromancer, Boss Wave - The Necromancer can spawn Summons that distract defenses. $620 $310 $207 Get ready for a BOSS!
Wave 15 20 Mystery Extremely devasting wave - watch out for the Boss1s that these Mysteries spawn. $650 $325 $217 Still alive?
Wave 16 20 Slow Mystery can now be sent on this wave in Versus mode. $680 $340 $227
Wave 17 4 Mystery, 2 Speedy, 2 Hidden, 2 Normal, 2 Slow, 9 Mystery, 2 Boss1, 1 Necromancer, 1 Boss2 Boss Wave - Though the Boss2 is very slow, it has 1600 health. Have high damage towers ready for them. $710 $355 $237 Get ready for a BIG BOSS!
Wave 18 4 Boss1, 1 Necromancer, 6 Mystery $740 $370 $247 Did you survive that? Impressive... But you havn't [sic] seen anything yet.
Wave 19 4 Slow, 10 Lava, 1 Boss1 New Zombie - The Lava has 120 health and walks in front of bosses. Splash-damaging towers are effective against them. Boss2 can now be sent on this wave in Versus mode. $770 $385 $257 A new enemy incoming!
Wave 20 15 Mystery, 4 Hidden, 2 Boss1, 5 Lava $800 $400 $267
Wave 21 6 Hidden, 5 Lava, 8 Mystery, 8 Boss1, 1 Boss2 $830 $415 $277
Wave 22 6 Hidden,, 1 Boss2, 1 Hidden Boss, 12 Lava New Zombie - The Hidden Boss has 800 health and an above average speed. Make sure to get plenty of detection for Camouflaged Enemies. $860 $430 $287 Get ready for a BOSS! (Get camo defense!)
Wave 23

6 Toxic, 2 Boss1, 4 Toxic 1 Boss2, 4 Mystery, 2 Hidden Boss, 1 Necromancer

Hidden Boss can now be sent Versus $890 $445 $297 New Zombie - The Toxic. Toxic can stun nearby towers for 5 seconds when killed.
Wave 24 4 Boss1, 1 Hidden Boss, 6 Lava, 2 Hidden Boss, 1 Boss2 Get more detection for Camouflaged Enemies. Using Aviators and Golden Scouts to share their detection for these enemies is recommended to help Railgunners detect them. $920 $460 $307
Wave 25 10 Lava, 5 Toxic, 3 Boss1, 1 Boss2, 8 Lightning, 2 Necromancer New Zombie - The Lightning is undoubtedly the fastest zombie in the game. Make sure to have suitable defenses and towers with high range or else the Lightning will be able to escape and reach the end. Flamethrowers are useful against swarms of Lightning. $980 $490 $327
Wave 26 6 Slime

New Zombie - The Slime. Get Splash Damage Towers because they spawn in groups and will spawn Goos when they were killed. Lightning can now be sent in Versus

$980 $490 $327 A new enemy incoming!
Wave 27 2 Boss2, 10 Lightning, 1 Boss2, 6 Toxic, 1 Boss1, 9 Lightning $1010 $505 $337
Wave 28 3 Slime, 1 Boss2, 1 Hidden Boss, 8 Lightning, 1 Hidden Boss, 4 Lightning, 1 Hidden Boss, 1 Necromancer $1040 $520 $347
Wave 29 4 Lightning, 1 Boss2, 1 Slime, 4 Lightning, 2 Toxic, 15 Mystery, 1 Boss2, 2 Toxic, 4 Slime, 16 Mystery2, 3 Necromancer, 2 Hidden Boss New Zombie - Be careful about the Mystery2s. They have the potential to spawn strong mid-game zombies. $1070 $535 $357 A new enemy incoming!
Wave 30 1 Boss2, 12 Lightning, 6 Mystery2, 3 Boss1, 9 Slime, 2 Boss1, 6 Mystery2 Boss3 can now be sent in Versus $1100 $550 $367
Wave 31 2 Normal, 2 Speedy, 3 Slow, 3 Hidden Boss, 8 Mystery, 10 Lightning, 5 Lava, 2 Boss1. 1 Necromancer, 5 Toxic, 2 Boss2, 2 Hidden Boss, 2 Slime, 10 Mystery2, 1 Boss3 Boss Wave - The Boss3 is strong and fast, so be prepared. Zeds, Commandos, and many Railgunners are effective. Flamethrowers can also slow the boss down greatly. $1130 $565 $377 Get ready for a HUGE BOSS!
Wave 32 6 Boss2, 2 Boss3, 8 Lightning, 12 Mystery2,2 Necromancer, 5 Hidden Boss $1160 $580 $387 Still surviving? Nice Job.
Wave 33 1 Boss3, 2 Hidden Boss, 10 Mystery, 4 Boss3, 14 Mystery2, $1190 $595 $397
Wave 34 1 Boss2, 5 Boss3, 12 Lightning, 12 Mystery2, 3 Necromancer, 3 Boss1, 5 Boss3, 9 Hidden Boss $1220 $610 $407
Wave 35 2 Boss1, 4 Boss2, 3 Boss3, 10 Lightning, 8 Slime, 10 Mystery2, 1 Necromancer, 3 Boss3, 1 Boss4, 1 Necromancer, 8 Mystery2, Boss Wave - Be careful, as there is a new boss; the Boss4. It is speedy with high health. Zeds are one of the best ways to defeat it, along with a couple of Flamethrowers. $1250 $625 $417 Get ready for a REALLY HUGE BOSS!!
Wave 36 7 Lightning, 10 Mystery2, 2 Boss3, 5 Lava, 2 Boss3, 5 Lava, 2 Boss3, 8 Lightning, 10 Mystery2, 2 Necromancer, 1 Boss4, 4 Lightning, 1 Boss4, 5 Lightning, 2 Boss4, 5 Lightning, 2 Boss3 $1280 $640 $427 Still with me? How long can you keep this up?
Wave 37 4 Boss3, 12 Lightning, 2 Hidden Boss, 3 Boss4, 6 Lightning, 1 Boss4, 4 Necromancer, 1 Necromancer Boss, 2 Boss3 Boss Wave -

Necromancer Boss has 12000 health and summons Fire Spirits. Splash-Damaging Towers such as Mortars and Tubers are useful against the zombies they send. Phasers can lock on to the boss and destroy it while other towers work on killing the zombies it summons.

$1310 $655 $437 Get ready for a REALLY POWERFUL BOSS!
Wave 38 6 Hidden Boss, 5 Boss3, 5 Mystery2, 1 Boss4, 5 Mystery2, 1 Boss4, 5 Mystery2, 1 Boss4, 10 Mystery2, 4 Boss3, 1 Necromancer Boss, 2 Boss3, 10 Mystery2, 3 Boss4 $1340 $670 $447 You still there? This is fun.
Wave 39 10 Mystery2, 5 Boss4, 12 Hidden Boss, 3 Boss4, 6 Boss3,1 Boss4, 10 Mystery2, 3 Necromancer Boss, This is the second to last round in the entire game. Golden Commandos, Zeds, Railgunners, and Phasers are recommended. $1370 $685 $457 Alright, I think this has to end here. It's been fun, but it's getting old. Prepare to die.
Wave:The Last Wave 3 Boss3, 4 Boss2, 2 Boss3, 6 Boss4, 10 Mystery2, 1 Boss4, 2 Hidden Boss, 2 Boss4, 6 Mystery2, 6 Boss3, 2 Guardian, 1 Void, 2 Boss3, 15 Mystery2, 1 Boss4, 1 Necromancer Boss, 5 Hidden Boss, 8 Boss3 ---

3 Necromancer Boss, 1 Boss2, 3 Boss4, 20 Lightning, 24 Mystery2, 3 Boss3Endbringer

Boss Wave - The Void has very high health, having 500,000 health and can stun towers. Have high-damage towers such as Golden Commandos, Zeds, Phasers and Railgunners. The Endbringer will spawns after Void take some step foward, the boss have 125,000 health and spawn in Horde of 6.

Cliff Towers won’t be affected by the stun. Flamethrowers are recommended for slowing the boss down to half of it’s original speed.

You are still alive... I guess... I'll just have to kill you MYSELF.

Wave Number Zombies in the wave Notes/Strategies 1 Player 2 Players 3 Players 4 Players Quote Before wave starts
Wave 0 None Split roles between farming and defense. Also account for the fact that Farms can be placed/upgraded in the 10 seconds before wave 1 to receive extra cash $650 $600 $550 $500
Wave 1 6 Normal New Zombie - The Normal is a very weak zombie with only 4 health. It can be good to sacrifice a few health during this wave to get more income. $213 $120 $44 $27
Wave 2 9 Normal $249 $140 $51 $32
Wave 3 9 Speedy New Zombie - The Speedy is a zombie with 3 health, currently being the weakest in the game. However, its speed makes up for it. $284 $160 $58 $37 A new enemy incoming!
Wave 4 6 Normal, 12 Speedy $320 $180 $65 $41
Wave 5 8 Slow New Zombie - The Slow is much slower than the zombies coming before it, but it is much stronger with 16 health. Splash Towers are good against them. $356 $200 $73 $46 A new enemy incoming!
Wave 6 15 Normal, 5 Speedy $391 $220 $80 $50
Wave 7 5 Normal, 5 Speedy, 8 Slow $427 $240 $87 $55
Wave 8 5 Normal, 6 Speedy, 5 Slow, 1 Boss1 Boss Wave - It is recommended to have high-damage towers such as the Patrol during this wave. $462 $260 $95 $59 Get ready for a BOSS!
Wave 9 20 Slow $498 $280 $102 $64
Wave 10 8 Hidden New Zombie - First Hidden appearance in the game. Hiddens are invisible to most towers and require suitable defenses. Some include Patrols or Level 3 Snipers. $533 $300 $109 $69 A new enemy incoming! (Have camouflage Defence)
Wave 11 8 Slow, 2 Boss1 $569 $320 $116 $73
Wave 12 10 Hidden Make sure to get defense against Camouflaged Enemies $604 $340 $124 $78 More Hiddens Coming!
Wave 13 10 Mystery New Zombie - The Mystery has 10 health but can spawn much stronger zombies than itself. Watch out if the 2 Boss1s from Wave 11 are still giving trouble when fast Mysteries now flood in.

(Mysteries can spawn many Boss1s)

#$640 $360 $131 $82 A new enemy incoming!
Wave 14 5 Slow, 2 Boss1, 8 Speedy, 1 Necromancer, Boss Wave - The Necromancer can spawn Summon that distract defenses. $676 $380 $138 $87 Get ready for a BOSS!
Wave 15 20 Mystery Extremely devastating wave - watch out for the Boss1s that these Mysteries spawn. $711 $400 $146 $91 Still alive?
Wave 16 20 Slow $747 $420 $153 $96
Wave 17 2 Normal, 2 Speedy, 2 Slow, 2 Hidden, 6 Mystery, 2 Boss1, 1 Necromancer, 1 Boss2 Boss Wave - Though the Boss2 is a slow walking boss, it has 1600 health. $782 $440 $160 $101 Get ready for a BIG BOSS!
Wave 18 7 Boss1 $818 $460 $167 ??? Did you survive that? Impressive... But you haven't seen anything yet.
Wave 19 6 Mystery, 8 Slow, 4 Hidden, 2 Boss1 $853 $480 $175 ???
Wave 20 10 Lava, 1Boss1 New Zombie - The Lava has 120 health and walks in front of bosses. Splash-damaging towers are effective against them. $889 $500 $182 $114 A new enemy incoming!
Wave 21 6 Hidden, 5 Lava, 5 Mystery, 8 Boss1, 1 Boss2 $924 $520 $189 $119
Wave 22 6 Hidden,, 1 Boss2, 1 Hidden Boss, 12 Lava New Zombie - The Hidden Boss has 800 health and an above average speed. Make sure to get plenty of detection for Camouflaged Enemies. $960 $540 $196 $123 Get ready for a BOSS! (Get camo defense!)
Wave 23

6 Lava, 2 Boss1, 4 Lava 1 Boss2,4 Mystery, 2 Hidden Boss, 1 Necromancer

$996 $560 $204 $128
Wave 24 8 Boss1, 1 Hidden Boss, 1 Boss1, 2 Hidden Boss Get more detection for Camouflaged Enemies. Using Aviators and Golden Scouts to share their detection for these enemies is recommended to help Railgunners detect them. $1031 $580 $211 $133
Wave 25 15 Lava, 3 Boss1, 2 Boss2, 2 Necromancer 12 Lightning New Zombie - Lightning. It is the fastest zombie in the game. Get towers that slow down them such as the Flamethrower $1067 $600 $218 $137
Wave 26 6 Slime Splash damage towers are useful. Because the Slime spawns Goo. The slime replaced the Super Slow $1102 $620 $226 $151 A new enemy incoming!
Wave 27 2 Boss2, 4 Lightning, 1 Boss1, 6 Lightning, 1 Boss2, 8 Lava, 1 Boss1, 6 Lightning $1138 $640 $233 ???
Wave 28 3 Boss1, 2 Boss2, 1 Hidden Boss, 8 Lightning, 1 Hidden Boss, 4 Lightning, 1 Hidden Boss $1173 $660 $240 $160
Wave 29 1 Mystery, 1 Boss2, 1 Lightning, 1 Slime, 3 Lightning, 1 Slime, 4 Lightning, 4 Slime, 1 Boss2, 3 Slime, 5 Mystery2, 2 Necromancer, 3 Hidden Boss New Zombie - Be careful about the Mystery2s. They have the potential to spawn Hidden Bosses along with other strong zombies. $1209 $680 $247 $165 A new enemy incoming!
Wave 30 1 Boss2, 12 Lightning, 8 Mystery, 4 Boss1, 2 Super Slow, 3 Boss1, $1244 $700 $255 $169
Wave 31 8 Slow, 3 Hidden Boss, 10 Mystery, 10 Lightning, 5 Lava, 4 Boss1, 1 Necromancer, 6 Lava, 2 Boss2, 3 Hidden Boss, 1 Boss3 Boss Wave - The Boss3 is strong and fast, so be prepared. Zeds, Commandos, and many Railgunners are effective. Flamethrowers can also slow the boss down greatly. $1280 $720 $262 ??? Get ready for a HUGE BOSS!
Wave 32 6 Boss2, 2 Boss3, 15 Mystery, 2 Necromancer, 5 Hidden Boss, 8 Lightning, $1316 $740 $269 ??? Still surviving? Nice Job.
Wave 33 1 Boss3, 2 Hidden Boss, 10 Mystery, 3 Boss3, 12 Mystery2, $1351 $760 $276 ???
Wave 34 1 Boss2, 5 Boss3, 12 Lightning, 14 Mystery2, 3 Necromancer, 3 Boss1, 4 Boss3, 9 Hidden Boss $1387 $780 $284 ???
Wave 35 2 Boss1, 4 Boss2, 3 Boss3, 10 Lightning, 20 Boss1, 10 Mystery2, 1 Necromancer, 3 Boss3, 1 Boss4, 1 Necromancer, 10 Mystery2, Boss Wave - Be careful, as there is a new boss; the Boss4. It is speedy with high health. Zeds are one of the best ways to defeat it, along with a couple of Flamethrowers. $1422 $800 $291 ??? Get ready for a REALLY HUGE BOSS!!
Wave 36 8 Lightning, 10 Mystery2, 8 Lightning, 6 Boss2, 5 Lava, 5 Boss3, 2 Hidden Boss, 10 Lightning, 20 Boss1, 10 Mystery2, 2 Necromancer ---

2 Boss4, 10 Lightning, 2 Boss3,

$1458 $820 $298 ??? Still with me? How long can you keep this up?
Wave 37 1 Boss2, 4 Boss3, 12 Lightning, 2 Boss4, 3 Boss3, 2 Hidden Boss, 8 Lightning, 2 Boss3, 10 Mystery2, 4 Necromancer, 1 Necromancer Boss, 2 Boss3, 6 Lightning, 1 Boss2 Boss Wave -

Necromancer Boss has 15000 health and summons Fire Spirits. Splash-Damaging Towers such as Mortars and Tubers are useful against the zombies they send. Phasers can lock on to the boss and destroy it while other towers work on killing the zombies it summons.

$1493 $840 $305 ??? Get ready for a REALLY POWERFUL BOSS!
Wave 38 4 Mystery2, 5 Boss3, 3 Boss4, 15 Mystery2, 6 Boss3, 6 Hidden Boss, 4 Lightning, 6 Boss3, 10 Mystery2, 1 Boss4, $1529 $860 $313 ??? You still there? This is fun.
Wave 39 10 Mystery2, 6 Boss3, 6 Super Slow, 4 Boss4, 6 Boss3, 3 Necromancer Boss, 18 Mystery2, 1 Boss4, This is the second to last round in the entire game. Golden Commandos, Zeds, Railgunners, and Phasers are recommended. $1564 $880 $320 ??? Alright, I think this has to end here. It's been fun, but it's getting old. Prepare to die.
Wave:The Last Wave 3 Boss3, 4 Boss2, 2 Boss3, 6 Boss4, 10 Mystery2, 1 Boss4, 2 Hidden Boss, 1 Boss4, 6 Mystery2, 6 Boss3, 2 Guardian, 1 Void, 6 Boss1, 15 Mystery2, 1 Boss4, 1 Necromancer Boss, 5 Hidden Boss, 8 Boss3 ---

3 Necromancer Boss, 1 Boss2, 3 Boss4, 20 Lightning, 24 Mystery2, 3 Boss3, 2 Guardian

Boss Wave - The Void has very high health, having 500,000 health and can stun towers. Have high-damage towers such as Golden Commandos, Zeds, Phasers and Railgunners.

Cliff Towers won’t be affected by the stun. Flamethrowers are recommended for slowing the boss down to half of it’s original speed.

You are still alive... I guess... I'll just have to kill you MYSELF.
Wave 0000000 8 Issue, 6 Error, 10 Virus, 1 J, 1 M, 1 Patient Zero, 1 Necromancer Boss, 3 Expired Jacks, 5 Guardians, 1 Void. This wave has a 1/1000 chance of occurring after “Wave: The Last Wave”.


  • Any zombies that are sent by opponents don't grant money for dealing damage to them.
  • Farms are extremely helpful for beating games in any survival mode and are recommended for battles as they greatly increase income.
  • 4v4 mode was glitched, most games end up being only a server of 6, rather than 8.
    • In the March 22, 2018 update, the mode has been removed; yet, it was added back in August 10th, 2019.
  • As of March 22, 2018, there was a secret update that increased the number of Normals on wave 1, having 4 zombies instead of 3.
  • As of March 22, 2018, Wave 0000000 was added as an easter egg, it has a chance if occurring after Wave 40 or at the start of the game. It contains multiple zombies that are not encountered during waves 1 - 40. It also contains a variant of Jack, which the final boss of the Halloween 2017 event. It is called Expired Jack, serving as additional and stronger Guardians that disrupt tower using multiple abilities from the Halloween Event.
  • On 9/10/18, Wave 34 now moves on even before both teams can kill all the zombies.
  • Wave 0000000 and Wave: The Last Wave have colour in it’s text as of the August Update.
  • Before the 10th of August, 2019, The Void appeared on wave 38.