Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
100 Emoji Vampire is considered complete.

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The Vampire appears to be a pale Vampire in a black outfit, levitating slightly with its left arm raised, similar to how the Hidden Boss moves.


The Vampire is the 6th enemy encountered on Wave 7 which first made its debut in the Halloween 2020, and then appeared again inside the Halloween 2023 Event. The Vampire has high health and moves at a above average speed. On death, they release out a poisonous gas which stuns any tower nearby for 5 seconds; Similarly to the Toxic which also stuns a Tower for only 5 seconds as well.


  • Several Commandos when used in coordination with a Commander can drain it's health in numbers.
  • In the late game, Level 4 Railgunners do a great job at killing Vampires, due to their massive damage and long range.
  • During Early game, the poison of the Vampires can make them a minor threat, but with properly placed towers, the poison effect might not be serious.
  • Splash damage towers such as Tuber or Aviator can weaken these zombies further, making them trivial.
  • Placing towers away from the path ensures that the Vampire won’t stun them upon death.
  • Cryo-Gunners can stall Vampires, preventing them from exploding near other towers.


  • The Vampire is extremely similar to the Toxic, with both having the same speed, similar health, and pretty much the same ability.
    • It is likely that Toxic was inspired by the Vampire.
  • The Vampire looks incredibly similar to the Reaper from the Halloween 2018, and Halloween 2020 Event.
  • The Vampire moves with its arm raised up near its head similarly to how the Hidden Boss moves with its arm near its head.

Update History[]

