Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
100 Emoji Titan is considered complete.

This means that it has been considered to have completely accurate information. If you can find a way to edit without deleting true information or adding false information, please feel free to do so.

Stubcommandov2 Titan has been removed from the game as of (3/31/19).

This page has been preserved for historical purposes.


The Titan is a huge ice knight zombie that first appeared in wave 9 of the Winter 2019. It wields a frost sword and is able to stun and freeze towers for a minute by slashing them with its sword or throwing snow boulders. It is an equivalent to the Guardian.


The Titan is slightly smaller than a player and has dark blue and black armor. The Titan has a large helmet with glowing light blue eyes and a crystal in the middle of its upper chest.


  • Just like Guardians, Titans can and will set the fate of any unprepared teams. So make sure to kill Titans as soon as possible as they can greatly reduce your firepower while also protecting Frosty.
  • Railgunners can take down large chunks of its health assisting Phasers.
  • It is recommended to use Phaser as it is more cost efficient and can quickly drain its health down while other towers such as Commandos take out the smaller zombies.
  • Mortars and Tubers can be used to destroy weaker zombies in front of the Titan to allow Phasers and other strong towers to target them.
  • Flamethrowers and Hallowboomers can slow it down by 50%, but may be stunned by the Titan itself due to how close they need to be.


  • This is the second non-final Boss Zombie capable of attacking, the first being Expired Jack and the third being Guardian.
  • On the back of the level 5 Sleeter, two small helmets resembling the Titan can be seen.
  • In the center of the level 5 Sleeter the same crystals can be found that are on the Titan and Frosty.
  • The Titan is one of the three Zombies to have special material, the others being Golem and Guardian.
  • The Titan makes an appearance in the 2020 Christmas menu in the upper bottom corner of the Military Base view next to Frosty.
  • Currently, Titan and Expired Jack are the only zombies that aren't a final boss with a death animation.

Update History[]

  • (2/9/19) The Titan was added, along with the Winter 2019 Event.
  • (3/31/19) The Titan was removed along with the Winter 2019 Event.

