Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
100 Emoji Swamp Isles is considered complete.

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Swamp Isles is a medium sized marsh themed map in Tower Battles created by Scrufus and lord_aus and added on August 10th, 2019 and revamped by lord_aus in the July 22nd 2020 mega update. The map has very little ground space. There are 2 large islands on either side of the map and 3 bridges. A large chunk of land is located at the end of the map.


Swamp Isles is a swampy marsh with a small village situated in the island-like areas. The map is filled with water with some small land areas.


  • Due to the big cliff in the middle Mortar is recommended on this map.
  • Because of the lack of ground placement Zed and Graveyard can be effectively on this map.
  • Phaser is also recommended for the Void because the Phaser's long-range can allow it to be placed in the back and still be extremely effective against Void.
  • Commando or Golden Commando can be effective on this map for its wide range.
    • This can be enhanced even more with Commander's range boost.
  • This map lacks both ground and cliff placements, so it's advised to use placement spots wisely.


  • There's a jar of Vegemite on one of the hills, this may reference that lord_aus is Australian.
  • lord_aus can be found hanging under a bridge.

Update History[]


  • (8/10/19) Swamp Isles is added into the game.
  • (6/22/20) Swamp Isles is revamped.