Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki

Survival mode is one of the two main game modes in Tower Battles, the other one being Versus. Unlike Versus, players will not be penalized for leaving a match in Survival. The goal of Survival is for a group of player(s), ranging from 1-4, to team up to reach the highest possible wave. Since there is no opposing team, players cannot send Zombies.


Players can earn different amounts of credits based on how many waves they survive. Rewards are given to all players in the team.

Waves Survived Reward (Credits)
1-11 20
12-19 50
20-30 80
31-40 100
40 or Wave 0000000 150

Sub-Game modes[]

Survival has 4 sub-game modes.

  • Solo - One player tries to defend against zombies and get triumph alone. The player can place up to 25 towers and starts with $650.
  • Co-Op - Two players try to defend against zombies and get triumph. Each player can place 20 towers and starts with $600.
  • Tri-Op - Three players try to defend against zombies and get to triumph. Each player can place 18 towers and starts with $550.
  • Quad-Op - Four players try to defend against zombies and get triumph. This mode requires 20 Wins to unlock. This also has the lowest income. Each player can place 15 towers and starts with $500.


  • Quad-Op was the only permanent Gamemode that needed Wins to unlock between 22 March 2019 and 10 August 2019 due to the Versus sub-gamemode of 4v4 being removed.
  • Survival grants less Cash than versus in teams of an equal number of players.
  • Unlike Versus, leaving during a game doesn't cost credits and dosen't give a loss.
  • Despite there being Triumphs in Survival, there are no ways to obtain wins by playing Survival. Wins are obtained only through Versus.
  • Server traveling into an active survival server causes income to decrease as there are more players.
  • One can hop in a solo survival server, wait until they die, by placing no towers, and gain 20 credits, It would take around 2 minutes to lose, getting the 20 credits
    • Doing this will give around 600 credits per hour

Update History[]

