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Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
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Emblemimportant Note: This tower is currently unavailable to the public, and not all information is available.

The Stunner is an exclusive tower that is given to a select group of players. It has a placement cost of $200.


The Stunner, as the name implies, briefly stuns the target it shoots for a short duration. Unlike the Cryo-Gunner, the Stunner is capable of stunning all enemies in the game at any level, excluding the Void. Additionally, the Stunner's upgrades and total cost is cheaper than the Cryo-Gunner but lacks splash damage. Damage dealt by the Stunner at levels 3 to 5 are extremely low and it does not have Hidden detection at any level. The Stunner cannot receive firerate and range boosts.


Bigger Zap ($200)
Placeholder1 Stun duration increases.
Sell price changes to $200.
Heavy Duty ($380)
Placeholder1 Damage increases from 0 to 1.
Range increases.
Sell price changes to $390.
Peacekeeper ($400)
Placeholder1 Firerate decreases.
Sell price changes to $590.
Thunder God ($1,400)
Placeholder1 Damage increases from 1 to 2.
Firerate decreases.
Stun duration increases.
Range increases.
Sell price changes to $1,290.

Statistics Table[]

Level Total Price Damage Firerate Stun Duration Range Damage per Second Cost Efficiency
1 $200 0 unknown unknown unknown 0 unknown
2 $400 0 unknown unknown unknown 0 unknown
3 $780 1 unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
4 $1,180 1 unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
5 $2,580 2 unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown


Stunner new
Price None
Rarity Default
Creator Planet3arth
Level Image Cosmetic Changes
The Stunner has yellow skin, light gray apparel, and wields a taser gun.
The taser gun increases in size.
The Stunner now wears a face shield.
The Stunner now wears a full-face helmet.
The Stunner now has long white facial hair, laurel wreath, and holds a dark gloomy cloud.


  • When stunning enemies at farther distances, the shock from the weapon appears to clip through the back of the Stunner.
  • Stunner does not gain Hidden detection support from the level 3 Aviator nor level 4 Golden Scout.

Update History[]

  • Unknown, 2017
    • Stunner added.