Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
100 Emoji Spire is considered complete.

This means that it has been considered to have completely accurate information. If you can find a way to edit without deleting true information or adding false information, please feel free to do so.

Stubcommandov2 Spire has been removed from the game as of 7/4/22.

This page has been preserved for historical purposes.


The Spire is a summoner-type enemy that appears, and makes its debut on Wave 8 in the Winter 2022 event. It has large health pool with a total of 800, and it also moves slowly.


The Spire appears as a skeletal figure like the Wight. It has antlers with chains its head, a dark blue cloak with some white lining going on its edges, two dark blue skulls pauldrons each shoulders, and a large floating wheel-like structure on its back, which moves when the Spire spawns enemies. The Spire also wields of magical staff to spawn Phantoms and Wights.


  • Placing multiple level 2 Commandos is recommended due to their fast firerate and damage output, which allows them to continuously deal damage to them.
    • Providing a level 3 Aviator will provide Hidden detection to all towers within its range, allowing them to target Phantoms spawned by the Spire.
  • Placing a level 4 Tuber can clear enemies spawn by the Spires, which allows high-damaging towers — such as the Railgunner — to concentrate on the Spire.
  • Towers that burn enemies, such as the Flamethrower and Hallowboomer, can deal a bit of damage and slow down the Spire and other enemies it has spawned.


  • The Spire is the first enemy in the game to have an extra part of their model moving while they are spawning enemies.
  • The Spire is supposed to be the Giant Skeleton, and the Reaper from the Halloween 2020, and Halloween 2023 Re-Run Event.
  • The Spire is supposed to be the Reaper, and Giant Skeleton for the Winter 2022 event except it’s disguised in a Winter theme. It has the same design as the Wight except its larger, has different eyes, and it has clothing, and a staff.
  • The Spire is not a Reaper, nor a Necromancer, but rather an angelical being that is capable of resurrecting the Dead. The word Spire means a holy, and angelic being.
  • The Spire is the second enemy in the game to spawn in more than one enemy.

Update History[]

  • (1/27/2022) Spire added along with the Winter 2022 Event.
  • (07/04/2022) Spire removed along with the Winter 2022 Event.