Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki

Not to be confused with Spawn1, Spawn3, or Spawn4.


Spawn2 is a medium sized zombie summoned by the Void to aid it in its quest to defeat the towers.


Spawn2 appears to be a dark purple/gray zombie with a crooked neck and has darkness radiating from it.


  • Kill these zombies as quickly as possible as Phaser will lock onto them, wasting both time and potential damage to the Void.
  • Spawn2 have very low health and can easily be destroyed by most high DPS (Damage Per Second). Though the most effective ones are Golden Commando and Zed.


  • Spawn2 has the lowest health out of all zombies spawned by Void.

Update History[]

  • (7/22/20) Spawn2 is added to the game.