Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Snowman is currently a stub.

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Stubcommandov2 Snowman has been removed from the game as of 3/22/2018.

This page has been preserved for historical purposes.


The Snowman is an enemy encountered from Wave 2 onward in the Christmas Event. It has 80 health and moves moderately quickly, easily becoming an impediment if not dealt with. It performs like a higher-health Slow. The Snowman can later be spawned by Presents.


The Snowman has a brown top hat. It is positioned similarly to that of the Boss3's. The Snowman is entirely a sparkly white-silver color. It has a purple-blue scarf and two black, square buttons on its torso.



Update History[]

  • (12/20/2017) The Snowman was added, along with the Christmas 2017 event.
  • (3/22/2018) The Snowman was removed, marking the conclusion of the Christmas 2017 event .