Slime is a mid-game enemy with 560 health with average speed that appears on wave 26. When killed, it splits into four Goos, each with 120 health. This means they have a total health pool of 1040. It also replaced the Super Slow.
Slime appears to be a green figure made out of a translucent slime substance with some particles on it.
- These enemies spawn in large numbers, using splash or high DPS (Damage Per Second) towers is recommended. They are also very fast for how big their health pool is, surpassing Hidden Bosses since their total HP sums up to 1040 (inclusive of Goos
- Slimes that are stunned, frozen or dancing won't spawn Goos. This makes lvl 4-5 Enforcer, Cryo-Gunner, Sleeter and DJ ability great Slime counters.
- Enforcer is especially good against Slimes as it can permanently stun them as well as preventing Goos from spawning.
- This also used to work with burn inflicted by Flamethrower and Hallowboomer.
- The Airstrike ability can easily cripple this enemy, as they spawn in numbers.
- Be sure to eliminate this enemy before it approaches the end of the map. It tanks damage with its massive 1040 health pool and relatively fast speed, and will allow even faster enemies like the Hidden Boss, Boss3, Boss4, Toxic, and Lightning to kill players or spearhead their defenses.
- This enemy is much more threatening than the enemy it replaced, the Super Slow. This is because it spawns in higher numbers, moves faster, and splits into smaller enemies.
- Multiple Golden Commandos or Aviators can counter this enemy with relative ease.
- Zeds can ram into Slimes and deal significant damage with its guns and cannons.
- A single Max Level Graveyard can dish out damage to Slimes, but Goos may get through.
- Explosives can easily destroy the Goos, but might not be able to deal with the high health the base Slime has.
- However, 1-3 level 5 Mortars can easily defeat both Slime and the four Goos it spawn.
- You cannot send this enemy. Instead, you can try to send other enemies to disturb opponent's towers, this can make Slime a bigger threat for certain loadouts. Its much preferably recommended to rush the opponents using Hidden Boss’s on wave 26, but this is only recommended if the opponent is under defending.
- While not recommended these can also help tank for Boss3 rushes.
- Slime's appearance and splitting mechanics may be inspired by the Slime in Minecraft, This is further hinted by its death sound and cubic particles, as well as its spawning weaker versions of itself (Goos) when killed.
- If the Slime closely viewed, it can presumably be perceived, and prospected that the Super Slow is inside of the Slime, providing reason to believe that the Super Slow is technically still in the game.
- The same month that the Slime was added, when it replaced the Super Slow, it had 700 HP. This furthermore provides even more evidence to believe that the Slime is supposed to be a Super Slow covered in slime.
Update History[]
- (7/22/2020) Slime added, replacing Super Slow.
- (7/??/2020) Slime's health was changed from 700 to 560.
- (10/28/2021) Slime has been nerfed
- Slime HP 560 → 500 (Reverted back to 560 shortly after)
- Appearance changed.