Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
100 Emoji Sleeter is considered complete.

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Emblemimportant Note: This tower is no longer obtainable.

The Sleeter is a tower awarded to players for triumphing the Winter 2019 event. The Sleeter fires a burst of 3 rounds and each round temporarily freezes its target, like the Cryo-Gunner. However, the Sleeter will not target enemies that are already frozen or burning.


The Sleeter wears a sleeveless light-blue coat with a fur hood and a backpack on its back. It wields a freezing ray gun.


Screenshot (32)
Permafrost ($450)

  • Permanently slows enemies after they are thawed.
    • This effect ends if the enemy is burned.
  • Added cosmetics: The Sleeter wears a pair of gloves.
  • Sell price changes to $575.

Radio ($650)

  • Range increases from 10 to 11. (+1)
  • Added cosmetics: The Sleeter wears a headset.
  • The Sleeter now has Hidden Detection.
  • Sell price changes to $900.

Screenshot (32) (2)
Arctic Gorilla ($3,200)

  • Burst count increases from 3 to 5. (+2)
  • Damage increases from 1 to 2. (+1)
  • Freezing time increases.
  • Added cosmetics: The Sleeter's coat has sleeves. The Sleeter also wears a face mask.
  • Sell price changes to $2,500.

Subzero Hero ($7,500)

  • Damage increases from 2 to 4. (+2)
  • Firerate decreases.
  • Range increases from 11 to 12. (+1)
  • Added cosmetics: The Sleeter carries a large cryo-blaster and hip-fires it. The Sleeter's clothing changes to a dark-blue color and wears a helmet. On the Sleeter's backpack, two heads can be seen dangling from it, resembling Frosty and the Titan.
  • Sell price changed to $6,250.

Total Cost: $12,500

Total Cost With DJ (20% Off): $10,140


  • In conjunction with the Commander's Call To Arms ability, a group of Sleeters can almost halt a large group of enemies.
  • The Sleeter will not attack burning enemies, so it is recommended to not place them near Flamethrowers or Hallowboomers.
    • In addition, the level 2 Sleeter's permafrost effect ends once the enemy is burned.
  • The Sleeter can freeze and stall Guardians, allowing other towers to deal damage and take them out.
  • A level 5 Sleeter in conjunction with a level 4 DJ and the Commander's Call to Arms ability can stop several of Boss3s for few seconds to buy more time for other towers, as well as slowing them down permanently.
  • A level 4-5 Sleeter can freeze fast enemies, such as the Hidden Boss and Lightning, to buy more time for other towers to deal damage before they leave their range.


  • The Sleeter is named after sleet, a type of precipitation.
  • The Sleeter will not target enemies that are already frozen or burning.
  • During the Winter 2019 event, the Sleeter appeared in place of the Railgunner sign in the lobby. Underneath the Sleeter, there is text that reads: "NEW SLEETER TOWER! Freeze them!"
  • During the early development of the Winter 2019 event. The Sleeter had an older concept called the 'Icethrower,' which appears as a Flamethrower with a gray outfit and emits a faint blue glow. Little information is known about this tower.
  • The Sleeter is the fourth event tower in the game, following the Scarecrow, Elf, and Hallowboomer.
  • The weapon the Sleeter wields at levels 1-4 is the Freeze Ray, a gear in the Roblox catalog.
  • The Sleeter will not target the Ice and Shard in the Winter 2019 event.


Update History[]

  • (2/9/19) Sleeter added.
  • (2/18/19) Sleeter nerfed.
    • Permafrost slowing effect reduced.
    • Permafrost slowing effect no longer stacks with fire.
    • Fire removes permafrost.
  • (3/31/19) Sleeter is unobtainable.
  • (7/4/22) Sleeter buffed.
    • Level 2 upgrade price decreased from $650 to $450
    • Level 4 upgrade price decreased from $4,200 to $3,200
    • Level 5 upgrade price decreased from $12,000 to $7,500