Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
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Skins are cosmetics that change the appearance of the towers. Skins can be purchased via the "Skins" section in the Towers menu. In the "Daily" tab, three skins of tiers common, epic, or legendary will be present and rotate every day. Exclusive skins can be purchased in the "Event" tab.


Skins come in 5 different tiers.


All common skins are created by Planet3arth, all costing CreditsIcon 250. There are currently 11 common skins in Tower Battles.

Redscout Blackscout Greenscout Pink scout
Skin Red Black Green Pink
Price CreditsIcon 250 CreditsIcon 250 CreditsIcon 250 CreditsIcon 250
Tower Scout Scout Scout Scout
Creator Planet3arth Planet3arth Planet3arth Planet3arth
Added At 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.0.0
Redsniper Bluesniper Redsoldier Bluesoldier
Skin Red Blue Red Blue
Price CreditsIcon 250 CreditsIcon 250 CreditsIcon 250 CreditsIcon 250
Tower Sniper Sniper Soldier Soldier
Creator Planet3arth Planet3arth Planet3arth Planet3arth
Added At 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.0.0
Hotpinksoldier Pink zed Black zed
Skin Hot Pink Pink Black
Price CreditsIcon 250 CreditsIcon 250 CreditsIcon 250
Tower Soldier Zed Zed
Creator Planet3arth Planet3arth Planet3arth
Added At 1.1.0 1.3.0 1.3.0


Epic skins range from CreditsIcon 600 to CreditsIcon 650. There are currently 10 epic skins in Tower Battles.

Invertedscout Specops Deputy Tankcrew
Skin Inverted Black Ops Deputy Tank Crew
Price CreditsIcon 600 CreditsIcon 650 CreditsIcon 650 CreditsIcon 650
Tower Scout Sniper Shotgunner Patrol
Creator Planet3arth Planet3arth Scrufus Scrufus
Added At 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.0.0
CobraSniper SWATSoldier Insurgent NuclearFlamethrower
Skin Cobra SWAT Insurgent Nuclear
Price CreditsIcon 650 CreditsIcon 650 CreditsIcon 650 CreditsIcon 650
Tower Sniper Soldier Mercenary Flamethrower
Creator builderbuxman Scrufus Scrufus Scrufus
Added At 1.1.0 1.1.0 1.1.0 1.1.0
BeachReadyCommando Beach Ready Phaser
Skin Beach Ready Beach Ready
Price CreditsIcon 650 CreditsIcon 650
Tower Commando Phaser
Creator Planet3arth Planet3arth
Added At 1.3.0 1.3.0


Legendary skins range from CreditsIcon 1,500 to CreditsIcon 2,500, making them the most expensive skins available. There are currently eight legendary skins in Tower Battles.

Veteran Statue RockBand TankHunterRailgunner-Icon
Skin Veteran Statue Rock Band Tank Hunter
Price CreditsIcon 1,500 CreditsIcon 1,500 CreditsIcon 2,500 CreditsIcon 1,500
Tower Marksman Commander DJ Railgunner
Creator Scrufus Scrufus Scrufus Scrufus
Added At 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.0.0
IndustrialFarm1 SWAT Base Sakura Bloom LifeguardCommander
Skin Industrial SWAT Sakura Bloom Lifeguard
Price CreditsIcon 1,500 CreditsIcon 1,500 CreditsIcon 1,500 CreditsIcon 1,500
Tower Farm Barracks Farm Commander
Creator Scrufus Scrufus Planet3arth Planet3arth
Added At 1.1.0 1.1.0 1.3.0 1.3.0


Exclusive skins are a unique set of skins that are obtainable for a limited time in seasonal events, such as Halloween, Christmas, Winter, and April Fools day.

Some skins can be purchased with credits while others require event exclusive currencies. There are currently 13 exclusive skins in Tower Battles.

Clownfragger Pumpkin Patch Farm Plasmatic Vampire hunter
Skin Clown Pumpkin Patch Plasmatic Vampire Hunter
Price CreditsIcon 1,400 (Offsale)
CandyIcon 500 (Offsale)
CreditsIcon 1,400 (Offsale)
CandyIcon 500 (Offsale)
CreditsIcon 1,400 (Offsale)
CandyIcon 500 (Offsale)
CreditsIcon 1,400 (Offsale)
CandyIcon 500 (Offsale)
Tower Fragger Farm Tuber Marksman
Creator Dreggnaught builderbuxman Dreggnaught builderbuxman
Added At 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.0.0
Jack-o Tectical sleight Candycane Snowglobe
Skin Jack-O Tactical Sleigh Candy Cane Snowglobe
Price CreditsIcon 1,400 (Offsale)
CandyIcon 500 (Offsale)
CreditsIcon 1,400 (Offsale) CreditsIcon 1,400 (Offsale) CreditsIcon 1,400 (Offsale)
Tower Commando Patrol Enforcer Plasma Trooper
Creator Dreggnaught Dreggnaught Planet3arth builderbuxman
Added At 1.0.0 1.1.0 1.1.0 1.1.0
ContrabandCryoGunner CursedForestFarm DeathKnightCommando Roblox Dev Scout
Skin Contraband Cursed Forest Death Knight ROBLOX Dev
Price latest?cb=20220214081919 500 (Offsale) latest?cb=20220214081919 500 (Offsale) latest?cb=20220214081919 500 (Offsale) CreditsIcon 0 (Offsale)
Tower Cryo-Gunner Farm Commando Scout
Creator builderbuxman builderbuxman
Planet3arth Planet3arth
Added At 1.2.0 1.2.0 1.2.0 1.2.1
Skin Rubber Chicken
Price CreditsIcon 0 (Offsale)
Tower Enforcer
Creator Planet3arth
Added At 1.3.1

Off-Market Exclusive[]

Off-market exclusives are exclusive skins that are not intended to be publicly available for purchase, and given to select group of users, mainly contributors.

Due to an incident on the 21st of November 2021, three of these skins were unintentionally purchasable for CreditsIcon 9,999 for a few hours before being overridden. There are current four off-market exclusive skins in Tower Battles.

Earth Bruh Oniichan SubstituteCommander-Icon
Skin Earth :l ONII-CHAN💖💌 Substitute
Price CreditsIcon 9,999 (Offsale) CreditsIcon 9,999 (Offsale) CreditsIcon 9,999 (Offsale)
Contributor Exclusive
Tournament Reward
Tower Scout DJ Huntsman Commander
Creator Planet3arth Parrot_Btw Scrufus Scrufus
Added At 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.3.1

