Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
100 Emoji Shadow is considered complete.

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Stubcommandov2 Shadow has been removed from the game as of 3/22/2018.

This page has been preserved for historical purposes.

The Shadow is a enemy that first appears in the Christmas 2017 Event marking its debut on Wave 3. It has a similar appearance, with similar functions to a Hidden since both are black, and have similar materials, and cannot be detected unless a tower has Hidden Detection. The Shadow can only be spawned by Presents, and will continuously appear in numbers throughout the entire event.


The Shadow is a dark figure that wears black fabric clothing that is incredibly similar to the old model of the Hidden. The Shadow also carries two katana blades with red handles, with a grey spike charm on its back. The Shadow also appears to be an unmasked Hidden, with the same exact size as a Hidden.


  • Using a Level 3 Aviator can allow towers within its range target Shadows. It is recommended to utilize it to allow Commandos to see them as Commandos are very effective at taking them out (especially when in numbers).
  • Shadow can, and will act as a meat shield, thus forcing your high damage output towers such as Railgunner or Phaser to target it. It is best to kill it quickly or slow it down with Flamethrower before it is in front of more dangerous enemies.
  • Shadows will spawn in numbers in later waves, so deal as much DPS to the larger enemies before the Shadows are ahead of larger enemies with more HP and act as a meat-shield for them.


  • This was the second event enemy in Tower Battles that requires Hidden Detection, the first event enemy being the Ghost.
  • The Shadow is one of the few enemies that require Hidden Detection in order to be seen with the others being Hidden, Hidden Boss, Wraith, Hidden Guardian, Ghost, Spirit, and Phantom.
  • The Shadow appears to be the old model of the Hidden, except its unmasked, and carries katanas on its back.

Update History[]


  • (12/20/2017) Shadow was added, along with the Christmas 2017 event.
  • (3/22/2017) Shadow was removed, marking the conclusion of the Christmas 2017 event.