Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
100 Emoji Railgunner is considered complete.

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The Railgunner is a high-damaging cliff tower that can be purchased for CreditsIcon 2,200 with a placement cost of $2,450.


The Railgunner has far range and deals a high damage per shot. At level 1, it has a range of 32 studs and does 40 damage per shot every 5.15 seconds, resulting in 7.77 damage per second. At later levels, the Railgunner's damage increases by a heavy amount, which can make them an exceptional tower to use for chipping off a great amount of health from high health enemies and bosses. At level 5, the Railgunner deals the highest amount of damage amongst all towers in the game.

Due to its very slow firerate, the Railgunner may need assistance from crowd control towers such as the Plasma Trooper and Aviator to clear generally weaker enemies while it shoots at stronger ones. The Railgunner does not have Hidden detection at any level without the assistance of a level 3 Aviator or level 4 Golden Scout.


Faster Reloading ($650)
Hands Firerate decreases from 5.15s to 3.87s.
Sell price changes to $1,550.
Extra Juice ($2,400)
Juice Damage increases from 40 to 85.
Sell price changes to $2,750.
Sentry ($4,800)
Railgunner-Sentry Damage increases from 85 to 150.
Range increases from 32 to 38.
Sell price changes to $5,150.
Next Generation Warfare ($18,500)
Railgunner-NextGenerationWarfare Damage increases from 150 to 460.
Firerate increases from 3.87s to 3.97s.
Range increases from 38 to 46.
Sell price changes to $14,400.

Statistics Table[]

Level Total Price Damage Firerate Range Damage per Second Cost Efficiency
1 $2,450 40 5.15s 32 7.77 $313.32
2 $3,100 40 3.87s 32 10.34 $299.81
3 $5,500 85 3.87s 32 21.96 $250.46
4 $10,300 150 3.87s 38 38.76 $265.74
5 $28,800 460 3.97s 46 115.87 $248.55


Railgunner new
Price None
Rarity Default
Creator Planet3arth
Level Image Cosmetic Changes
The Railgunner has tan skin, black apparel, a xenotargeting oculus, and operates a portable railgun bipoded.
The Railgunner now wears black gloves.
The portable railgun becomes darker in color, increases in size, and has two canisters with blue substances attached to it. The bipod becomes thicker.
The Railgunner now sits and operates a turret with a rail cannon, glass pane, and seat mounted on a metal stand.
The Railgunner now operates a large heavy machine with a control deck, massive rail cannon, and metal beams to support it below. The Railgunner also holds a can of Mountain Dew.

The xenotargeting oculus is now darker in color.

Price CreditsIcon 1,500
Rarity Legendary
Creator Scrufus
Level Image Cosmetic Changes
The Railgunner has tan skin, brown trench coat, dark brown trousers, hood, cape, belt, black gas goggles, and operates a Mauser Gewehr 98 bipoded.
The Railgunner now wears dark brown cloth gloves.
The Railgunner now wears a gas mask. The Mauser Gewehr 98 increases in size, and the bipod becomes thicker.
The Railgunner now sits and operates a turret with a cannon, anti-aircraft sight, belt of shells hanging off its side, and seat mounted on a wood and metal stand.
The Railgunner now operates a large heavy wooden and metal machine with a control deck, massive cannon with a belt of shells hanging off the side, and wooden beams to support it below.


For a list of community strategies, see Railgunner strategies.


  • On the 18th of November 2018, a billboard sign in the lobby of a map featured a Railgunner with text stating, "NO SPACE ON THE CLIFF? SELL SNIPERS?" At the very bottom of the sign, that is additional text that reads "210-1231-000000000".
  • The Tank Hunter Railgunner is likely inspired by the elite class of the same name in Battlefield 1.


  • The Railgunner does not fire consistently. In some occasions, it may fire faster or slower than it normally should.
    • Additionally, the Railgunner will not gain receive a consistent firerate boost. Despite what is displayed on its indicator, the Railgunner will only receive a FirerateBuff-Icon +85% firerate boost when it reaches FirerateBuff-Icon +100%.


Update History[]

  • 2017 August 19
    • Railgunner added.
  • 2017 August 23
    • Statistical change:
      • Firerate increased.
  • 2017 September 8
    • Statistical change:
      • Level 2
        • Upgrade price increased to $650.
  • 2017 September 15
    • Statistical change:
      • Unspecified changes.
  • 2017 September 30
    • Visual change:
    • Firing sound reduced.
  • 2018 August 27
    • Visual changes:
      • Levels 1 to 4 modified.
  • 2018 August 28
    • Bug fix:
      • Firing twice fixed.
      • Not receiving discount from DJ fixed.
  • 2019 February 10
    • Bug fix:
      • Unspecified glitches fixed.
  • 2019 August 10
    • Statistical change:
      • Level 5
        • Upgrade price increased from $15,000 to $15,500.
        • Damage increased from 400 to 420.
  • 2020 July 22
    • Statistical change:
      • Level 5
        • Upgrade price increased from $15,500 to $18,500.
        • Damage increased from 420 to 480.
  • IUnknown, 2020
    • Statistical change:
      • Level 5
        • Damage decreased from 480 to 460.
  • 2021 October 28
    • Statistical change:
      • Placement footprint decreased from 8x8 to 7.6x7.6.
    • New skin:
      • Tank Hunter Railgunner added.
  • Unknown 2021-2023
    • Visual changes:
      • Tank Hunter Railgunner icon modified.
      • Levels 1 to 5 Tank Hunter Railgunner modified.