Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
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Stubcommandov2 Present has been removed from the game as of 3/22/2017.

This page has been preserved for historical purposes.


The Present is a zombie in the Christmas 2017 Event that is the Mystery equivalent. Upon death, can randomly spawn a Gingerbread, Yeti, Shadow or Snowman.


The Present is a zombie that is mostly in a hot pink gift wrapping. It has a white bow that makes it stand out.


  • Presents do not present much of a danger but what they can spawn may be lethal.
  • Flamethrower can help slow down the Present and the zombies that spawn from it. Allowing your towers more time to take out the spawned zombies.
  • Multiple Commandos can make short work of Presents but may struggle with the spawned Yetis.
  • Aviators are also effective at clearing Presents.

Update History[]

  • (12/20/2017) The Present is added along with the Christmas 2017 event.
  • (3/22/2017) The Present is removed along with the Christmas 2017 event.