Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Party is currently a stub.

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Image of the party GUI


Parties are a feature in Tower Battles that let certain team members stay in the same team when in a match. Parties can only join appropriate sized modes (i.e. a two party sized team can only join Co-Op or 2v2, but cannot join modes that need more or less players). They are the most secure way for favourable teammates to end up into the same team in Versus.

Parties have a maximum capacity of four players. The founder of the party (which is the Match Leader) can kick members out of the group and join matches with the party. Members can invite other people and can leave at will. Parties last for two matches before disbanding.


  • Parties can disband when teleporting into a match. This has been somewhat fixed after the 1 October, 2018 update that makes PC users join matches more reliable; however, the glitch still persists on other platforms. The Error Message "Party has disbanded" will appear when this happens.
    • If the host of the party is allowed to joined quad-op, the rest of the party can go in even if somebody does not meet the trophy requirement. This glitch has been patched, and attempting to do the glitch will cause the Error Message "One or more members of your party do not meet the trophy requirement" to pop up.
    • Due to a glitch, if a player is invited multiple times and they accept, they will appear multiple times in the list and the game will treat them as if they were two different players.
    • When joining a versus match, party members may not be in the same team. (Fixed after the Mega update.)
    • Sometimes, when a player creates a party and he invites someone, if that player accepts the invitation he will appear in the party as "leader".
    • Another glitch, if you make party then invite members, then join a game before they accept it then they join the same game lobby, you can have more members in your team, for example, if you have a party of two, then invite another person, then join a 2v2 match, then the other person accepts then joins the same 2v2 match, you will have 3 members on your team and you will only have one opponent.

Update History[]

  • 27/8/2018: Custom Server was removed at same time party have been released.
  • 12/25/2020: Option to kick members has been removed.