Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
100 Emoji Issue is considered complete.

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Issue is a rare fast zombie appearing in Wave 0000000. It is a very strong zombie, having a high health of 13,500 along with a fast speed.


Issue is a dark blue figure, having a navy blue head and arms while having a neon body that is much lighter. It can be observed that the Issue will emit electrical sparks when moving.


  • High Damage towers such as Golden Commando and Zed can counter Issues and quickly take them out when used in numbers.
    • Support towers such as Commander and DJ are recommended when paired with these towers.
  • Single Target towers like Railgunners and Phasers can also be quite helpful but are not as effective due to their slow firerate.
    • However, using Railgunners in large numbers can counter hordes of issues, whereas Phaser tends to struggle more as it takes time to switch targets.
  • Flamethrower can slow Issues by 40%, giving them a much more reasonable speed. This allows it to be stalled before it can reach the exit.

Update History[]


  • 3/22/18: The ”idk” zombie was added into the game with Wave 0000000. It had a 1/850 chance of spawning with the Wave chance of 1/1000, being very uncommon in such wave.
  • ??/??/18: The “idk” has its health buffed and had its color scheme changed to a retexture of the Lightning, but with smooth dark blue plastic arms and head. It is now renamed to "Issue."

