Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
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Stubcommandov2 Ice has been removed from the game as of 3/31/19.

This page has been preserved for historical purposes.

The Ice is a zombie similar to the Normal. It appears at Wave 1 on Winter 2019 and has 50 health. Ice in large numbers can be a problem as their average speed can be used to shield stronger zombies that are slower.


The Ice has a white and blue appearance, with a pale blue torso and legs and a white head and arms.


  • Phasers and Railgunners are ineffective, due to the Ice's fast speed and low health.
  • A bunch of Commandos are helpful, as they can clear ice effectively.
    • Especially when paired with a Commander and it's Call to Arms ability as it can give Commandos a 50% firerate boost that will clear any smaller zombies that may shield high health pool bosses.
  • Tubers can clear Ices effectively as well, along with other minor enemies such as Shards, Hidden Guardians and Ice Marauders.
    • This also prevents weaker enemies from shielding stronger ones, such as Titans or Frosty.
  • It is generally not recommended to use the Cryo-Gunner or Sleeter as they will most likely heal or be unable to target these zombies.


  • Similar to other zombies in the event, Ice gets healed by the Cryo-Gunner and the Sleeter.
  • Despite being healed by ice attacks, the Ice isn't immune to freezing. However, it does possess some resistance towards it.

Update History[]


  • (9/02/19) The Ice was added, along with the Winter 2019 Event.
  • (3/31/19) The Ice was removed, marking the conclusion of the Winter 2019 Event.