Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
100 Emoji Hidden is considered complete.

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A sneaky enemy is coming! (Have camouflage defense)

Actual Quote: A new enemy incoming!

~ Quote before the Hidden first appears on Wave 10


The Hidden is a 10 Health, average speed Zombie. It is the first camouflaged zombie that players will encounter, Debuting on wave 10.



The Hiddens have translucent heads and arms with a black torso and legs. It also wears a black headband.


The Hidden has a black torso and legs, with a navy blue head and arms. It wears a jet black ninja mask that conceals its face and a black headband.



  • Cryo-Gunners cannot target Hiddens directly, but they will freeze them if they are near other zombies that are being frozen.
    • Similarly, Flamethrowers cannot target Hiddens directly, but they will set them on fire if they are in the way of the flame stream.
  • A Marksman can target Hiddens at level 2, and at level 3 will kill them with one shot.
  • A level 3 Mercenary can be used to kill Hiddens cheaply.
  • A level 4 Fragger is a good beginner tower that can be used to kill Hiddens in hordes easily.
  • A Level 3 Aviator or Level 4 Golden Scout allows all towers within its range to detect Hiddens.
  • Plasma Troopers can target up to 3+ Hiddens starting from level 1, which allows it to be a cost efficient tower against them.
  • Level 2 Patrols can be used as an early game defense against Hiddens, since they have 70 HP, which is enough to kill 7 Hiddens. A level 3 Patrol can deal with many Hiddens depending on the location, due to it having 70 health and splash damage.
  • You shouldn't overkill by having too much camouflage defense early on for the Hiddens (If its a versus match by the time the enemy can send them you should already have sufficient defense). Hiddens are fairly weak, and camo will only be a priority again on wave 22, where Hidden Bosses start spawning.


  • It is best to send Hiddens when the opponent has weak camouflage defense or a lack of towers that can detect hiddens. But otherwise, it Is not recommended.
    • Hiddens may be more powerful in earlier waves, as the game progresses, they become inherently weaker as enemies are likely to have some form of hidden defense and there are more cost efficient towers to use.


  • The Hidden was released when the game was first released.
  • The Hidden is the first camouflaged enemy to appear in the game.
  • The Hidden on release was temporarily broken and was not camouflaged.
  • Tied with the Mystery, the Hidden has the fourth lowest health in the game.
  • There are three towers that can detect Hiddens at any level being the Plasma Trooper, Phaser, and Huntsman.
  • Hidden used to be the only camouflaged enemy that appeared in the Survival and Versus gamemode. Until 03/23/18, where Hidden Boss got added for the first time in the game.

Update History[]


  • (8/10/19) The Hidden's Arms are now translucent.
  • (7/22/20) Hidden animation and texture changes.