Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki

The Hallowboomer is a splash-damaging, incendiary event tower that was previously rewarded upon triumphing the Halloween 2018 event and later, purchasable for CandyIcon 750 during the Halloween 2023 event. It has a placement cost of $600.


The Hallowboomer wields a pumpkin launcher shoots a flaming pumpkin that explodes on impact, dealing splash damage and igniting all enemies in its 3 stud splash radius. At level 1, a Hallowboomer fires a pumpkin every 3.08 seconds, which deals 1 damage and 1 burn damage. Burning enemies will have their movement speed reduced by 40% for the duration they were set on fire. Unlike the Flamethrower, the Hallowboomer will continue to target enemies regardless of if they are burning or not.


Specs ($200)
Hallowboomer-Specs Range increases from 13 to 16.
Sell price changes to $400.
Raking Season ($700)
Leaves Damage increases from 1 to 2.
Firerate decreases from 3.08s to 2.65s.
Splash radius increases from 3 to 5.5.
Sell price changes to $750.
Pumpkin Juice ($1,600)
Screenshot (31) Damage increases from 2 to 4.
Burn damage increases from 1 to 2.
Sell price changes to $1,550.
Spooky Rampage ($4,500)
Eerie Damage increases from 4 to 8.
Burn damage increases from 2 to 5.
Firerate decreases from 2.65s to 1.35s.
Splash radius increases from 5.5 to 6.5.
Range increases from 16 to 17.
Sell price changes to $3,800.

Statistics Table[]

Level Total Price Damage Firerate Duration Slowness Splash Radius Range Total Elapsed Damage Damage per Second[Note 1] Cost Efficiency[Note 2]
Splash Burn
1 $600 1 1 3.08s 3s 40% 3 13 3 0.33 ≤$1,818.18
2 $800 1 1 3.08s 3s 3 16 3 0.33 ≤$2,424.24
3 $1,500 2 1 2.65s 3s 5.5 16 3 0.76 ≤$1,973.68
4 $2,100 4 2 2.65s 7s 5.5 16 14 1.51 ≤$1,390.73
5 $6,600 8 5 1.35s 9s 6.5 17 45 5.93 ≤$1,112.98


Hallowboomer new
Price None
Rarity Default
Creator Planet3arth
Level Image Cosmetic Changes
The Hallowboomer has pale peach skin, orange apparel, black banded top hat, and wields a flaming jack-o-lantern launcher.[Note 3]
The Hallowboomer now wears circular white rimmed sunglasses.[Note 3]
The Hallowboomer now carries a pitchfork on its back.[Note 3]
The Hallowboomer now wears black gloves and two canisters with orange substances.[Note 3]
The Hallowboomer now wears black armbands, and carries an additional pitchfork and jack-o-lantern launcher.

The top hat becomes dark green, and its apparel and canister substance turns green. The pitchforks and launchers are now darker in color, and the jack-o-lanterns are now black and emit green fire.[Note 3]


For a list of community strategies, see Hallowboomer strategies.


  • Despite the Endbringer having burn immunity, it can still be ignited and slowed by the Hallowboomer.
  • The Hallowboomer's flaming pumpkin effect is now opaque.


Update History[]

  • 2018 October 26
    • Hallowboomer added.
  • 2018 November 18
    • Hallowboomer unobtainable.
  • 2020 July 22
    • Statistical change:
      • Slowness decreased from 50% to 40%.
      • Level 5
        • No longer ignites the Lava.
  • 2022 July 4
    • Statistical changes:
      • Level 1
        • Placement price decreased from $750 to $600.
      • Level 2
        • Upgrade price decreased from $300 to $200.
      • Level 3
        • Upgrade price decreased from $850 to $700.
        • Damage increased from 1 to 2.
      • Level 4
        • Upgrade price decreased from $2,800 to $1,600.
        • Damage increased from 1 to 4.
      • Level 5
        • Upgrade price decreased from $7,500 to $4,500.
  • 2023 October 28
    • Hallowboomer onsale.


  1. Damage per second assumes only one enemy is targeted. Burn damage is not included.
  2. Burn damage is not included in cost efficiency.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 The Hallowboomer's pumpkin launcher's flame particle model is now opaque.