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Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Stubcommandov2 Golem has been removed from the game as of 3/31/2019.

This page has been preserved for historical purposes.

100 Emoji Golem is considered complete.

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The Golem is an event zombie appearing in Christmas 2017 and then making a comeback in Winter 2019.


The Golem is about the size of a Boss2, only that it's made completely of ice. It has an icy pale blue skin, and the torso and legs are a little darker than the skin. The head of the Golem is blocky, similar to Lava (before the July 2020 update). The Golem is noticeable by the crystals on its head, torso, and right leg. As they walk, they emit white light, as if they're glowing.

Returning in Winter 2019, the Golem has the same appearance. However, the torso and legs are darker blue as they have a custom texture that appears to be similar to marble, but only with more cracks. The Golem also emits light blue light.


The Golem is the 6th enemy to be encountered in the Christmas Event, being considered a boss. It appeared to be slow but seems to be walking a bit faster (faster than Boss2). Due to the amount of health and the amount of Presents and Yetis that spawned in front, the Golem is very problematic. It's even deadly especially at the final wave as a lot of them will spawn behind SantaBot.

In the Winter Event, the Golem is the 5th enemy to be encountered. Unlike the Demon, old Golem (from Christmas 2017), and Monster, this time the Golem spawns at Wave 6, appearing early. What's worse is that after Wave 6, Golems will spawn more frequently than it did in the Christmas Event.


Treat the Golems as Boss2s, but a little bit fast and containing more health. In fact, they are very annoying to take out as more will spawn behind them.

  • The best solution to kill the Golem is to use the Phaser, which can easily take this out. Two or more level 3 Phasers are effective against it under a Level 2+ Commander's support.
    • However, be aware that the phaser has a massive reload time, making it unreliable against hordes of these.
    • Note that Railgunner is usually not as good as Phaser against this enemy and mass amounts of Commandos are not effective either as they usually output less damage than Railgunners.
  • Flamethrowers are very effective against this boss; they can slow down the Golem to a cripple, giving other towers much more time to defeat lesser enemies.


  • This zombie is known to have a blocky head, the other being Lava.
    • However, the Golem is the only known zombie to still have a blocky head, as Lava now has a normal head after the July 2020 update.
  • The Golem is one of 7 Zombies to have a crooked head, the others being Lava, Boss2, Boss4Zombie, Monster, and Patient Zero.
  • In Christmas 2017, Cryo-Gunners are useless against them as they barely do anything to the Golem. Even at max, they do nothing at all.
    • This changes in Winter 2019, where they heal instead of doing nothing.
  • The Golem, along with the Reaper, are the two event zombies to return in events AND receive a reskin.
    • The Zombie did return in two events but did not receive a change.
    • Ghost and Spirit may be the same but are completely different from each other.
  • The Golem in the Winter 2019 Event is one of the few zombies to have a custom texture, the others being Titan and Guardian.

Update History[]

  • (12/20/2017) The Golem was added, along with the Christmas 2017 event.
  • (3/22/2018) The Golem was removed, marking the conclusion of the Christmas 2017 event.
  • (10/2/2019) The Golem was re-added and re-textured, along with the Winter 2019 event.
  • (3/31/2019) The Golem is removed, marking the conclusion of the Winter 2019 event.