Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
100 Emoji Gingerbread is considered complete.

This means that it has been considered to have completely accurate information. If you can find a way to edit without deleting true information or adding false information, please feel free to do so.

Stubcommandov2 Gingerbread has been removed from the game as of 3/22/2018.

This page has been preserved for historical purposes.


The Gingerbread is entirely made of brown slate, resembling Gingerbread (hence the name). The torso and legs are darker than the head and arms. There are three buttons on the torso, resembling different colored gumdrop buttons. The top is bright green, the middle is bright pink, and the bottom is bright red.


Gingerbread, while being the first enemy encountered in the Christmas 2017 Event, made its debut in the Christmas 2017 Event on Wave 1 as the first enemy. Gingerbreads are somewhat quite easy to deal with as they have low health while having the speed of a Normal, and the Health of a Slow.


  • Multiple Commandos can easily wipe out hordes of Gingerbread regardless of their numbers.
  • Level 4-5 Tubers are recommended as their large AOE (Area of Effect) can effectively wipe out hordes of Gingerbreads.
  • High DPS (Damage Per Second) but single target towers such as Railgunners and Phasers are not very effective as even small amounts of Gingerbreads can distract or overwhelm such towers from targeting more dangerous enemies like Yetis and Golems.
  • Treat this enemy as if it were a combination of the Slow, and the Normal.


  • If listened closely, the Gingerbread death sound sounds like something broke.
    • It can be inferred that the Gingerbread is made out of Gingerbread cookie that snapped.
  • It’s currently unknown whether the Gingerbread will return in a future event, or not; Although the chances of the Gingerbread returning is quite low.

Update History[]


  • (12/20/2017) The Gingerbread was added, along with the Christmas 2017 event.
  • (3/22/2018) The Gingerbread was removed, marking the conclusion of the Christmas 2017 event.