Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
100 Emoji Endbringer is considered complete.

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The Endbringer is a special enemy encountered exclusively in Versus matches at Wave 40 with the primary focus of acting as a tiebreaker, being sent in intervals after the Void is defeated. It has a below average speed with 125,000 hitpoints. It will not be affected by any status effects such as afterburn or freeze.


The Endbringer wears black armor, with a spiked diamond-plate pauldron on its right shoulder. It wears a diamond-plate wrist band and a glove on each arm. Around its chest is a metal strap, and on both its legs there are two metal bands. The Endbringer is noticeable for the dark red bucket-shaped helmet it wears on its head and the giant hammer that's being wielded in the right hand. The Endbringer also has pink glowing eyes, as the skin also appears to be corroded with pink cracks, similar to the Guardian.


It is impossible to defeat the swarm of Endbringers. They will infinitely spawn until either team loses. The goal is to hold them out for as long as you can.


  • Once farms are sold, see if enemy players have upgraded all of their late game towers to level 5. If they have, and they want to win, they would typically send Boss4s, or sometimes Necromancer Bosses. The player will need to decide whether to fund their remaining tower upgrades, or to commit the rest of the cash to sending enemies against the enemy players.
  • It is highly likely that these will spawn before the Void dies, and in longer maps will eventually surpass the Void's distance to the end. The placement of important towers within the stun range of the Void can deny players the ability to kill an Endbringer attempting to end the game on your side.
  • If funds can be managed for them, Phasers and Golden Commandos are good ways of taking down these strong enemies individually.
    • Phasers, however, take a while to regain their power, and if the other team sends enemies such as Necromancer Boss, it will distract the Phasers from locking onto the Endbringers.
    • Golden Commandos can be hard to fund to level 5 in Versus modes, but are highly effective, able to clear Endbringers more reliably and prevent other enemies (particularly, sent ones) from getting in front of it.
  • Other high DPS towers such as Zeds, Railgunners, and Golden Scouts are not as effective but tend to be more affordable in Versus modes, still having a chance at killing one of these.
  • Support the defense with Commanders and DJs, as the firerate increase to any of the mentioned DPS towers is essential.
  • Note that the Endbringer does not have any offensive abilities (such as stuns). Towers can be placed near the track without fear of retaliation.


  • If a player finds themselves lacking any towers to upgrade in the late game, Boss4s (and sometimes Boss3s) are very effective at raising the health of the final rush against enemy players, forcing their towers to target the sent bosses. This in turn will shield and protect the Endbringers.


  • Coincidentally, the appearance and name of Endbringer bear a noticeable resemblance to MrDoomBringer, a former super-moderator on Roblox with a similar hat and hammer.
    • However, it has been confirmed that this boss is not based on him.
  • The theme of Endbringer is Calling All Units from the PAYDAY 2 soundtrack. The title "Calling All Units" could refer to the horde of Endbringers.
  • The name "Endbringer" indicates that it inevitably brings an end to a match as it spawns in hordes.
  • The hammer that the Endbringer wields seems to resemble the ban hammer from the Roblox catalog.
  • Before the Endbringer update, there would be a tie between the two teams at the end of a Versus match. The prize of winning is no trophies but instead 150 Credits.


  • Hallowboomer and Harpoon Hunter can slow Endbringers down.
  • There was formerly a glitch where Endbringers do not spawn at all.
    • When this glitch happens and both Voids are beaten, it becomes impossible to end the game unless one team decides to surrender the game and let the other team send zombies and lose.
    • Despite what the typical message says, when this glitch occurs, any team who quits the game back to the lobby will not get any losing penalty for doing so.
    • There was a bug fix update that fixed this glitch along with other bugs.

Update History[]

  • (7/22/2020) Endbringer was added to the game.
  • (8/3/2020) Endbringer now spawns after the Void after a brief period of time. They also now spawn in hordes, instead of starting off with spawning one by one and then groups of five.
  • (12/25/2020) Endbringer now does not spawn after the Void due to a bug.
  • (7/14/2021) Endbringer now has been fixed and spawns at Wave 40.
  • (??/??/????) Endbringer's spawn sound changed.