Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Emblemimportant Note: This tower is no longer obtainable.

The Elf is a splash-damaging event tower that was rewarded upon triumphing the Christmas 2017 event. It has a placement cost of $400.


The Elf is armed with a present launcher that shoots explosive presents that deal 2 damage each. Being a somewhat moderately cheap tower, the Elf can be viable for early-game defense and use its splash-damaging capabilities against grouped zombies. Against a single target, the Elf has a generally low damage per second value regardless of level coupled with its poor cost efficiency. The Elf produces a jingling sound when placed or cancelling the placement.


Rapid Reload ($300)
Hands Firerate decreases from 3s to 2.
Sell price changes to $350.
Elf Tech ($360)
Headset The Elf now has HiddenDetection-Icon Hidden detection.
Range increases.
Sell price changes to 530.
Present Boom ($850)
Presentt Damage increases from 2 to 4.
Splash radius increases.
Sell price changes to $955.
Fireworks ($2,700)
Presenttt Damage increases from 4 to 10.
Splash radius increases.
Range increases.
Sell price changes to $2,305.

Statistics Table[]

Level Total Price Damage Firerate Splash Radius Range Damage per Second[Note 1] Cost Efficiency
1 $400 2 3s unknown unknown 0.67 ≤$597.01
2 $700 2 2s unknown unknown 1 ≤$700
3 $1,060 2 2s unknown unknown 1 ≤$1,060
4 $1,910 4 2s unknown unknown 2 ≤$955
5 $4,610 10 2s unknown unknown 5 ≤$922


Elf new
Price None
Rarity Default
Creator Planet3arth
Level Image Cosmetic Changes
The Elf has yellow skin, red apparel, Santa hat, and wields a festive present launcher.[Note 2]
The Elf now wears black gloves.[Note 2]
The Elf now wears a black headset.[Note 2]
The Elf now carries a black sack filled with presents, and the present launcher increases in size.[Note 2]
The Elf now wears a dark red sleeved apparel, and red bands are added to the present sack.

The present launcher increases in size, and both it and the Santa hat becomes darker in color.


For a list of community strategies, see Elf strategies.


  • Prior to the release of the Elf, its decal was found in Planet3arth's inventory, but had a different name which was titled XMAS Gunner


  • The textures of the Elf's Santa hat are missing at levels 1 to 4.


Update History[]

  • 2017 December 20
    • Elf added.
  • 2018 March 22
    • Statistical change:
      • Level 5
        • Upgrade price decreased from $6,400 to $5,400.
  • 2022 July 4
    • Statistical changes:
      • Level 2
        • Upgrade price decreased from $360 to $300.
      • Level 3
        • Upgrade price decreased from $400 to $360.
      • Level 4
        • Upgrade price decreased from $1,200 to $850.
      • Level 5
        • Upgrade price decreased from $5,400 to $2,700.


  1. Damage per second assumes only one enemy is targeted.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 The textures for the Elf's Santa hat are currently missing for levels 1 to 4.