The Elf is armed with a present launcher that shoots explosive presents that deal 2 damage each. Being a somewhat moderately cheap tower, the Elf can be viable for early-game defense and use its splash-damaging capabilities against grouped zombies. Against a single target, the Elf has a generally low damage per second value regardless of level coupled with its poor cost efficiency. The Elf produces a jingling sound when placed or cancelling the placement.
Rapid Reload ($300)
Firerate decreases from 3s to 2. Sell price changes to $350.
Elf Tech ($360)
The Elf now has Hidden detection. Range increases. Sell price changes to 530.
Present Boom ($850)
Damage increases from 2 to 4. Splash radius increases. Sell price changes to $955.
Fireworks ($2,700)
Damage increases from 4 to 10. Splash radius increases. Range increases. Sell price changes to $2,305.