Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
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The Cryo-Gunner, also known as Cryo, is a freezing, splash-damaging tower that can be purchased for CreditsIcon 400 with a placement cost of $200.


The Cryo-Gunner freezes enemies within a 1.3 splash radius, momentarily stopping their movement in place. It has a firerate of 2.8 seconds but will not deal damage until level 3. While the Cryo-Gunner's maximum freeze duration increases upon being upgraded, this duration may vary between different enemies; for instance, when shot, Necromancers are frozen for 50%, Boss1s are frozen for 33%, and Boss2s are frozen for 13% of the regular freeze duration. Generally, stronger enemies may freeze for a reduced time while bosses such as the Void are completely immune to freezing. Cryo-Gunners do not have Hidden detection at any level, and will not target enemies that are already frozen. Fast enemies will slide a short distance before freezing.


Thicker Ice ($200)
Thickerice Freeze duration increases from 1.5s to 4s.
Sell price changes to $200.
Painfully Cold ($500)
Painfullycold Damage increases from 0 to 2.
Sell price changes to $450.
Future Tech ($860)
CryoGunner-FutureTech Damage increases from 2 to 3.
Range increases from 8 to 10.
Splash radius increases from 1.3 to 1.5.
Freeze duration increased from 4s to 5s.
Sell price changes to $880.
Inglaciator ($4,200)
CryoGunner-Inglaciator Damage increases from 3 to 5.
Range increases from 10 to 11.
Splash radius increases from 1.5 to 5.2.
Freeze duration increased from 5s to 7s.
Sell price changes to $3,025.

Statistics Table[]

Level Total Price Damage Firerate Freeze Duration Splash Radius Range Damage per Second[Note 1] Cost Efficiency
1 $200 0 2.8s 1.5s 1.3 8 0 N/A
2 $400 0 2.8s 4s 1.3 8 0 N/A
3 $900 2 2.8s 4s 1.3 8 0.71 ≤$1,267.61
4 $1,760 3 2.8s 5s 1.5 10 1.07 ≤$1,644.86
5 $5,960 5 2.8s 7s 5.2 11 1.79 ≤$3,329.61


Cryo gunner new
Price None
Rarity Default
Creator Planet3arth
Level Image Cosmetic Changes
The Cryo-Gunner has yellow skin, cyan apparel, and wields a cryo gun.
The cryo gun increases in size.
The Cryo-Gunner now wears a face shield attached to an air tank on its back.
The Cryo-Gunner wears a futuristic helmet, and wields a larger futuristic cryo gun.

The apparel now has sleeves and the air tank becomes teal.

The Cryo-Gunner now wears a black vest, neon sky blue energy pack, and wields an Inglaciator -6000.

The helmet becomes darker and the apparel changes to dark neon blue with neon sky blue cuffs.

Price latest?cb=20220214081919 750 (Offsale)
Rarity Exclusive
Creator builderbuxman
Level Image Cosmetic Changes
The Cryo-Gunner has yellow skin, navy blue apparel, camo trousers with black boots, a headband with an earpiece, a single glove, and wields a cryo gun.
No change.
The Cryo-Gunner now wears a black respirator.
The Cryo-Gunner now wears blue-violet goggles, black vest, mohawk fin, large cape with an anarchy skull emblem, and wields a larger futuristic cryo gun.

The apparel now has long sleeves and the gloves have dark navy blue camo.

The Cryo-Gunner now wears a dark hood, navy blue face mask, a neon red and blue energy pack, and wields a dark Inglaciator -6000.

The apparel changes to dark navy blue camo with black sleeves, gloves, and trousers, and dark gray boots.


For a list of community strategies, see Cryo-Gunner strategies.


  • The freezing sound of the Cryo-Gunner is taken from the HEX Spitter, a gear in the Roblox marketplace.


  • Zombies that spawn additional zombies upon death, such as the Mystery and Slime, will not spawn any zombies when killed while frozen by the Cryo-Gunner.


Update History[]

  • Unknown, 2017
    • Cryo-Gunner added.
  • 2017 December 20
    • Statistical changes:
      • Level 3
        • Damage increased.
      • Level 4
        • Damage increased.
      • Level 5
        • Damage increased.
  • 2018 August 27
    • Statistical changes:
      • Level 4
        • Unknown changes.
      • Level 5
        • Unknown changes.
  • 2019 August 10
    • Statistical changes:
      • Level 1
        • Freeze duration increased from 1s to 1.5s.
      • Level 2
        • Freeze duration increased from 3s to 4s.
      • Level 3
        • Damage increased from 1 to 2.
      • Level 4
        • Damage increased from 2 to 3.
      • Level 5
        • Damage increased from 3 to 5.
  • 2022 January 26
    • New skin:
      • Contraband Cryo-Gunner added.
  • 2022 July 4
    • Contraband Cryo-Gunner offsale.
    • Statistical change:
      • Level 4
        • Splash radius increased from 2.5 to 2.8.
  • 2023 October 30
    • Statistical change:
      • Level 4
        • Splash radius decreased from 2.8 to 1.5.


  1. Damage per second assumes only one enemy is targeted.