Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
100 Emoji Commander? is considered complete.

This means that it has been considered to have completely accurate information. If you can find a way to edit without deleting true information or adding false information, please feel free to do so.

Stubcommandov2 Commander? has been removed from the game as of 7/4/22.

This page has been preserved for historical purposes.

Not to be confused with the Commander, Commando?, Commando, and Golden Commando.


Commander? is an enemy that appears in the wave 9 of the Winter 2022 event. Commander? is the eighth enemy to be encountered in this event. It bears a resemblance to Commander, only visible difference being the skin having the marble texture. It has a medium speed and spawn a Mimic upon death.


The Commander? looks like the Commander tower, except it has blue skin with a marble texture. It wields a pistol known as the Luger, it also wields dog tags and a communication device. However, it does not attack the towers surrounding it. Instead, it charges the players defenses in order to get towards the exit.



  • The Commander? is heavily based off of the Commander tower.
  • The Commander? is one of the three enemies that are summoned by the Mimic in Winter 2022, with the others being Commando?, and Soldier?.
  • The Commander? is likely either a infected, or corrupted variation of the Commander tower, although there is a chance that this could be false.

Update History[]

  • (1/27/2022) Commander? added along with the Winter 2022 Event.
  • (07/04/2022) Commander? removed along with the Winter 2022 Event.