Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
100 Emoji Commander is considered complete.

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Not to be confused with Commander? and Commando.

The Commander is a support ground tower that can be purchased for CreditsIcon 1,200 with a placement cost of $700.


The Commander improves the overall performance of all towers within its range. At level 1, the Commander provides a range boost of RangeBuff-Icon +25%. Starting from level 2, the Commander can also grant firerate boosts as well, which could be further increased when Call to Arms ability is active at level 3. At later levels, the Commander gains defensive abilities such as summoning Strykers and initiating airstrikes. The Commander cannot provide additional boosts to other Commanders within its range, and can only attack when Call to Arms is activated.


Drilling ($1,000)
Commander-Drilling The Commander now provides FirerateBuff-Icon +25% firerate boost.
Sell price changes to $850.
Call to Arms ($2,400)
CTA The Commander now gains the Call to Arms ability.
Sell price changes to $1,725.
Organized Militia ($5,000)
Commander-OrganizedMilitia The Commander now gains the Organized Militia ability.
Damage increases from 3 to 5.
Sell price changes to $5,575.
Airstrike ($12,000)
Airstrike The Commander now gains the Airstrike ability.
Damage increases from 5 to 12.
Sell price changes to $11,150.


Call to Arms
CTA 30s Cooldown.
When activated, an additional FirerateBuff-Icon +50% firerate boost is added, lasting a duration of 8 seconds. During this time, the Commander will shoot nine times.
If Call to Arms is activated once the Airstrike ability cooldown has ended, Airstrike will have a 11 second cooldown.
Organized Militia ($600)
Commander-OrganizedMilitia 20s Cooldown.
A Stryker will spawn on the path.
Airstrike ($1,200)
Airstrike 30s Cooldown.
An F-22 Raptor will drop bombs on a selected location, dealing 450 damage within an 8 stud splash radius.
If Airstrike is activated once the Call to Arms ability cooldown has ended, Call to Arms will have a 5 second cooldown.

Statistics Table[]

Commander Statistics
Level Total Price Boosts Damage Firerate Range Damage per Second[Note 1]
1 $700 RangeBuff-Icon +25% N/A N/A 11 N/A
2 $1,700 RangeBuff-Icon +25%
FirerateBuff-Icon +25%
3 $4,100 3 1s 11 0.9
4 $9,100 5 1s 11 1.5
5 $21,100 12 1s 11 3.6
Stryker Statistics
Level Unit Health
4 Stryker 600


Commander new
Price None
Rarity Default
Creator Planet3arth
Level Image Unit Cosmetic Changes
The Commander has tan skin, dark blue sleeved apparel, peaked cap with a golden strap, carries a portable radio, and stands on a wooden stool.
The Commander now wears white gloves.
The Commander now wears a dogtag necklace and belt with a Luger P08/Walther P38 holstered.

The gloves become black.

The Commander now wears black clockwork shades, dark olive green coat, and has binoculars attached to the belt.

The peaked cap becomes dark olive green and with an olive green band, the sleeves get longer, and center line is carved on the stool.

The Commander now wears a larger peaked cap with a golden band and sigil, black eyepatch, trench coat, gray glove cuffs, sash, and holsters a golden Desert Eagle Mark I.

The apparel and stool becomes black, the dogtags turn golden, and the portable radio turns darker in color.

Price CreditsIcon 1,500
Rarity Legendary
Creator Scrufus
Level Image Unit Cosmetic Changes
The Commander appears as a stone monument, dressed in gray sleeved apparel, peaked cap, holds a portable radio, and mounted on a stone base with a nameplate that reads PFC. Flynn "Commander" Davis.
The Commander now wears gloves.

The nameplate now reads Cpl. Flynn "Commander" Davis.

The Commander now wears a dogtag necklace, belt with a holster, and wields a Luger P08/Walther P38.

The gloves become black, and the nameplate now reads Sgt. Flynn "Commander" Davis.

The Commander now wears black clockwork shades, dark gray coat, and has binoculars attached to the belt.

The peaked cap becomes dark gray, the sleeves get longer, and the nameplate now reads Lt. Flynn "Commander" Davis

The Commander now wears a larger peaked cap, black eyepatch, trench coat, dark gray sash, and wields a golden Desert Eagle Mark I.

The base now has a black and golden top, and the nameplate has dark gray edges with yellow inscription which now reads Cpt. Flynn "Commander" Davis.

The Commander's skin and dogtags turn golden, and the apparel becomes dark gray.

Price CreditsIcon 1,500
Rarity Legendary
Creator Planet3arth
Level Image Unit Cosmetic Changes
The Commander has tan skin, red visor that reads "GUARD", swimming trunks, whistle, carries a portable radio, and sits on a tall lifeguard chair.
A red rescue tube is slung around the side of the lifeguard chair.
The Commander now wears a belt with a Luger P08/Walther P38 holstered, and a platform is added to the lifeguard chair.
The Commander now wears black sunglasses and a white short sleeved shirt with a red cross. The lifeguard chair now has binoculars attached to the side, a life ring on the back, and has supports with a red and grayish-white beach umbrella attached.
The Commander now wears a long sleeved white shirt, red jacket, and holsters a golden Desert Eagle Mark I. A small red lifeguard flag is added to the chair.

The Commander's visor and trunks turn dark red, the lifeguard chair becomes whiter, and the beach umbrella becomes dark red and white.

Price Tournament Reward
Rarity Off-Market Exclusive
Creator Scrufus
Level Image Unit Cosmetic Changes
The Commander has light peach skin, a freckled face, long brown hair, dark blue sleeved apparel with yellow accents and a zipper, peaked cap with a golden strap, carries a portable radio, and stands on a wooden stool.
The Commander now wears white gloves.
The Commander now wears a dogtag necklace, dark blue shorts, black fingerless gloves, long laced boots, and belt with a Luger P08/Walther P38 holstered.
The Commander now wears black aviator shades, dark olive green coat with brown accents, and has a binocular attached to the belt.

The peaked cap becomes dark olive green and with an olive green band and center line is carved on the stool.

The Commander now wears a larger peaked cap with a golden band and sigil, black square eyepatch, trench coat, gray glove cuffs, and holsters a golden Desert Eagle Mark I.

The apparel becomes white with gold accents, the shorts and stool becomes black, the dogtags turn golden, and the portable radio turns darker in color.


For a list of community strategies, see Commander strategies.


  • The level 5 Commander's F-22 Raptor is piloted by the Aviator.
  • The Commander's firerate boost will only affect the firerate of spawned units from spawning towers, rather than their spawn duration as it has done in previous versions of Tower Battles.
  • According to the Statue Commander's inscription, the Commander's real name is Flynn Davis.


  • When Call to Arms is active using the level 5 Statue Commander, its animation will play and freeze in place indefinitely. No additional firerate boost is applied and both Call to Arms and Airstrike ability timers will also be frozen in place.
  • The Lifeguard Commander's range is offset from the center by 1 stud towards where it is facing. This, however, is not shown on its range visualizer.
  • Since the Substitute Commander did not exist prior or during the Halloween 2023 event, players will lose the skin upon being teleported back into the lobby after playing the event.
  • When the Substitute Commander is upgraded to level 5, all spawned Strykers will despawn.


Update History[]

  • 2017 September 30
    • Commander added.
  • 2017 October 1
    • Bug fixes:
      • Not being able to purchase Commander fixed.
      • Airstrike fixed.
  • 2017 October 3
    • Bug fixes:
      • Glitches patched.
  • 2018 March 22
    • Statistical changes:
      • Level 5
        • Airstrike damage decreased from 600 to 500.
  • 2018 May 18
    • Statistical changes:
      • Level 5
        • Airstrike splash radius increased.
    • Visual changes:
      • Airstrike radius is now shown.
  • 2018 September 13
    • Statistical changes:
      • Level 3
        • Multiple Call to Arms firerate boosts will no longer stack.
      • Level 4
        • Upgrade price decreased from $7,700 to $6,000.
      • Level 5
        • Airstrike cooldown decreased to 30s.
  • 2018 November 29
    • Statistical changes:
      • Level 5
        • Damage increased from 10 to 12.
  • 2019 August 10
    • Bug fix:
      • Airstrike fixed.
  • 2020 July 22
    • Statistical changes:
      • Level 2
        • Upgrade price increased from $850 to $1,000.
      • Level 3
        • Upgrade price increased from $2,000 to $2,400.
      • Level 4
        • Upgrade price decreased from $6,000 to $5,000.
    • Visual changes:
      • Commander reanimated.
      • Level 5 redesigned.
  • 2020 July 26
    • Statistical change:
      • Level 3
        • Call to Arms multiplier decreased from 2x to 1.82x.
  • 2020 December 25
    • Statistical changes:
      • Level 1
        • Range boost increased from RangeBuff-Icon +20% to RangeBuff-Icon +25%.
      • Level 2
        • Firerate boost increased from FirerateBuff-Icon +20% to FirerateBuff-Icon +25%.
      • Level 3
        • Call to Arms firerate boost increased from FirerateBuff-Icon +25% to FirerateBuff-Icon +50%.
  • 2021 October 28
    • New skin:
      • Statue Commander added.
    • Bug fix:
      • Airstrike not dropping bombs fixed.
  • 2022 July 4
    • Statistical changes:
      • Level 1
        • Placement price increased from $600 to $700.
      • Level 5
        • Airstrike damage decreased from 500 to 450.
    • New skin:
      • Lifeguard Commander added.
  • Unknown, 2024
    • New skin:
      • Substitute Commander added.


  1. Damage per second is calculated by ((Damage ÷ Firerate) × Attack Duration) ÷ Call to Arms Cooldown).