Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki

Not to be confused with Credits, another currency in Tower Battles.

100 Emoji Cash is considered complete.

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Screenshot 172

Cash, as displayed in-game

Cash is an in-game currency in Tower Battles used when a player is involved in a match. Cash is used for placing and upgrading Towers and sending Zombies.

Acquiring Cash[]

All players start off with a varied amount of cash at the start of a match, depending on the type of match you are playing, varies on how much cash you start with. In 2v2, you start with 600, 3v3 you start with 550, 4v4 you start with 500. There are five ways to get cash.

  • At the end of every wave, cash is given to all players. The cash is split evenly between all players in the arena, meaning if any player regardless of which team, leaves, the more cash per player and vice versa.
    • In Versus Mode, players gain more cash than in Survival.
    • The starting cash changes depending on how many people there are in the team. If one of your team member leaves in 2v2 before the match starts, you will start with 650$
    • In 1v1, the wave reward is calculated by 200 + 30x, x being the wave
  • Farms give cash at the beginning of every wave. The amount given depends on the level of the Farms and how many Farms there are. This can range from $50 to $1,500 per farm.
  • Tweeters at level 3 or above give 80 cash at the beginning of every wave.
  • Huntsman at level 3 or above will get the ability to give cash every 15 seconds as long as zombies are in it's range.
  • Selling Towers will give back specific amounts of Cash.
  • For single targeting towers, dealing damage to Zombies will grant one cash per every one damage that the zombie takes. Any extra damage will not give you more cash. For example, a level 5 Railgunner shooting a Normal with 1 health will only grant $1 rather than $460.
  • For splash damaging towers, dealing damage to Zombies will grant (splash damage) x (amount of zombies hit) amount of cash, so for example an Elf doing 2 damage to 3 Speedys all with 1 health remaining will grant $6 cash rather than $3.

Tower Costs in Cash[]

This table shows the upgrade costs and the total costs for all upgrades.

Tower Placement (Level 1) Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Total Cost
Scout $250 $100 $200 $600 $1,200 $2,350
Sniper $450 $150 $300 $800 $3,600 $5,300
Fragger $350 $140 $250 $550 $2,200 $3,490
Shotgunner $350 $320 $820 $1,400 $4,200 $7,090
Cryo-Gunner $200 $200 $500 $860 $4,300 $6,060
Farm $300 $250 $550 $1,200 $4,800 $7,100
Soldier $450 $180 $240 $1,050 $3,600 $5,520
Tuber $800 $320 $600 $1,800 $8,000 $11,520
Mortar $800 $320 $480 $2,800 $12,000 $16,400
Patrol $400 $380 $380 $1,200 $7,900 $10,260
Barracks $850 $500 $780 $4,300 $13,500 $19,930
Aviator $850 $400 $1,000 $3,750 $15,000 $21,000
Flamethrower $750 $400 $900 $1,600 $8,500 $12,150
Mercenary $850 $200 $560 $1,650 $4,200 $7,460
Commando $1,850 $950 $990 $3,300 $12,000 $19,090
Commander $600 $1000 $2,400 $5,000 $12,000 $21,000
Railgunner $2,450 $650 $2,400 $4,800 $18,500 $28,800
Phaser $3,200 $700 $2,600 $4,900 $16,600 $28,000
Zed $5,650 $3,700 $4,400 $14,200 $64,000 $91,950
Scarecrow $300 N/A N/A N/A N/A $300
Elf $400 $360 $400 $1,200 $5,400 $7,760
Hallowboomer $750 $300 $850 $2,800 $7,500 $12,200
Sleeter $700 $650 $650 $4,200 $12,000 $17,500
Golden Commando $4,690 $400 $1,200 $16,000 $95,000 $117,290
Golden Scout $690 $180 $1,200 $3,800 $12,000 $17,870
Archer $650 $260 $780 $1,950 $6,400 $10,040
Stunner $200 $200 $380 $400 $1400 $3480
Knifer $400 $320 $720 $2200 Unknown Unknown
Red Scout $250 $100 $200 $600 $1,200 $2,350
Plasma Trooper $1,150 $400 $970 $5,200 $24,000 $31,720
Tweeter $325 $120 $440 $780 $1,650 $3,315
DJ $950 $600 $2,000 $6,400 $12,600 $22,500
Huntsman $900 $260 $1,500 $1,750 $6,400 $10,810
Sniper but red $450 $150 $300 $800 $3,600 $5,300
Resting Soldier $10 N/A N/A N/A N/A $10
Enforcer $350 $380 $840 $1,650 $5,000 $8,220
Marksman $850 $200 $840 $2,450 $6,400 $12,440
Graveyard (Tower) $480 $400 $1,400 $7,500 $40,000 $49,780
Snowballer $100 $80 $280 $620 $3,000 $3980
Monkey $25 N/A N/A N/A N/A $25

Zombie Costs in Cash[]

This is a table that shows the costs of sending zombies.

Zombie Can be sent by wave Cost Sending Interval (Seconds)
Normal 1 $20 0.6
Speedy 4 $20 0.8
Slow 6 $30 1
Boss1 9 $250 4
Hidden 13 $50 1
Mystery 16 $90 1
Boss2 19 $1200 3
Hidden Boss 23 $800 3
Lightning 27 $200 1
Boss3 31 $3500 4