Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Roblox Tower Battles Wiki
Stubcommandov2 Arctic has been removed from the game as of 7/22/2020.

This page has been preserved for historical purposes.


Arctic was a snowy, tundra-like map with many trees and a few houses, one being on a small mountain. The dirt road is lined with snow, and there are mountain-like hills on both the entrance and exit of the map.


  • Because Arctic only has three cliff spots, using cliff towers are not advised. However, the Mortar will be the most efficient cliff tower for this map due to its large splash damage and crowd control.
  • Flamethrowers and Hallowboomers are an essential part of this due to the map's length and lack of cliffs; Boss3 and Void will be considerably harder to deal with on the Arctic than on other maps. Cryo-Gunners may also be effective for stalling weaker enemies.
  • Although it has few cliffs, it has a medium-length track with plenty of spots for Ground Towers. It is useful to place long range towers near the center of the map bends of the map to maximize their range. Aviators can be more useful when placed in the bends.


  • This map has the second least number of cliffs in the game, one more than Pond.
    • After the Pond remodel, Arctic is now the map with least cliffs in the game.
  • Arctic was added when the game was released.
  • Arctic, Farm Fields and Desert Outskirts have a very similar path.
  • Arctic, along with Egg Hunt, are the only maps that were removed from the game.

Update History[]


  • (??/??/17) Arctic is added into the game.
  • (7/22/20) Arctic is removed from the game and replaced with Intimidator.